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What to Put in a Lickimat? Peanut Butter Alternatives

What to Put in a Lickimat? Peanut Butter Alternatives

Toby loves his lickimats! They’re absolutely fantastic for killing energy, keeping him entertained and as a nice reward after a long day. When I fill my lickimats my go to is peanut butter. Peanut Butter is convenient, budget friendly and easy to add. However, there are some downsides to using peanut butter that I’ve come to notice… 

First off, allergies! Some people just cannot have peanuts in their life due to them or a family member being allergic. Along with this, some peanut butter brands are toxic to dogs… You heard me right, the beloved treat that dogs beg for can contain the chemical xylitol. Be sure to read the ingredients list on your peanut butter for the artificial sweetener called xylitol which can be toxic to your furry friend (try to avoid any artificial sweeteners). Also, peanut butter can be downright messy! Maybe I’m doing things wrong, but I always make a mess when I have peanut butter out (pretty sure I’m doing it wrong). Between the hard to clean aspect & the messiness alone I had to start seeking some new fillers for Toby’s lickimats.
Let’s start with something basic… Plain cream cheese, emphasis on the PLAIN part.  Cheese in general can be a fantastic addition to your pups diet in small quantities.  Containing calcium, essential fatty acids, Vitamins A & B along with protein. So just like it is for you and me, cheese and cream cheese can be a great snack for your dog.  However cheese also contains a high amount of fat, so you don’t want this to be your go to everyday. Otherwise health problems such as obesity can occur.  
Another great food to add to lickimats are bananas! Yes, we know bananas are actually solids, but they’re so easy to mash up that they’re definitely a go to for lickimats. Plus bananas are one of the fruits that are healthy for dogs too! (worried about what fruits you can & can’t feed your pooch? Head to this AKC blog link to find out more)  All you need to do is cut the banana into a few thin strips, lengthwise speeds the process up.  Then lie the strips across your lickimat and mash down with the back of a spoon.  I’ve found banana’s to be a bit more challenging than peanut butter for Toby, meaning it lasts longer.  Plus, they’re easier to clean (I’m stuck hand washing Toby’s Lickimats as I don’t have a dishwasher) when you’ve used bananas.  Again bananas should be given as a treat, not a part of your pups everyday diet.
One sure fire, easy to use, lickimat topper is canned pumpkin.  When Toby was a puppy I always had a can of pumpkin on hand just in case his tummy started to act up.  Pumpkin is an amazing treat for dogs that’s packed with nutrients and vitamins.  Along with this it helps with certain cases of the runs and definitely saved some carpets when Toby was a pup… Canned pumpkin can be found in the baking section of almost any grocery store however be observant as it’s usually very close to the pumpkin pie filling. DO NOT feed your dog pumpkin pie filling, this is extremely high in sugar and not a good treat for your dog.  Pure pumpkin on the other hand is highly beneficial & extremely easy to spread onto a lickimat.  Definitely a recommended topper for your pup.
What about yogurt? Yogurt is an easy to use spread that can definitely be a great treat for your pup.  However you need to be cautious (just like with anything you give your dog) because of different ingredients in each brand.  Look for a plain yogurt (not vanilla) that doesn’t contain too much sugar but also as zero artificial sweetener.  Artificial sweeteners and sugars can be unhealthy for humans and dogs.  Plus certain sweeteners are known to be very toxic for dogs (such as xylitol, which can be found in certain yogurt brands).  So once you’ve found your brand of yogurt, feel free to get your lickimat loaded up! I’ve found yogurt to be a simple food to add to the lickimat, plus it’s easy to clean and Toby loves it.
All in all, any malleable or spreadable food that’s safe for dogs is a fantastic addition to your lickimat.  A couple pro tips I’ve discovered are to freeze the lickimat before giving it to Toby.  This lets it last longer as he needs to defrost the contents first.  I also like to add a tiny bit of honey to the lickimat every now and then.  Although honey isn’t necessarily healthy for dogs, it is completely safe and in low quantities will add a nice flavour to your pups lickimat.  
Still stuck for an idea for your lickimat? Toby’s got a quick and easy peanut butter alternative that smells exactly like peanut butter! His lick mix is 100% dehydrated peanut powder, simply combine equal amounts water and our lick mix (available online) to create a delicious and healthy treat for your pup.  
Don’t have a lickimat yet? Not to worry! We’re stocked up on tons right now and Toby would love to get your pup setup with one, plus $2 is donated to animals in need from each one he sells! If you ever have any questions about our lickimats or any other products Toby sells be sure to message us on social media or through our website.  We love hearing from you and always want to know what you think.
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Answering the Q's of IQ Toys

Answering the Q's of IQ Toys

Toby loves his IQ toys. I love his IQ toys… They’re so much fun! But what’s the deal with IQ toys… What do they actually do and why are they becoming so popular? Here I’m going to do my best to answer all the Q’s (questions) of IQ toys.  
What is an “IQ Toy”?
IQ toy is our general term for any interactive or treat dispensing dog toy.  There are puzzles, treat dispensers, lickimats, snuffle mats and tons of other designs too! Basically anything that makes your dog figure out an action or sniff out a reward usually in the form of treat.
What does an IQ Toy do?
Although there are tons of different uses for each type of IQ toy, the general purpose of an IQ toy is to stimulate your dog in new ways.  Dogs are extremely intelligent creatures and giving them new outlets that allow them to problem solve, think and figure things out is an amazing way to train their brain.  
How does an IQ Toy benefit my dog?
Just as going for a walk and allowing your dog to sniff gives them mental stimulation or playing fetch and letting your pup run provides physical stimulation. IQ toys are designed to invoke thought and problem solving skills.  This provides a similar mental stimulation to sniffing new scents and discovering new places.  IQ toys are NOT a replacement for physical exercise, going for walks or day-to-day socialization.  But they are an amazing compliment to keep your dog entertained in between walk times and when you’re busy.
Will an IQ toy entertain my dog without me?
Depending on the type of IQ toy you have, they are fantastic entertainment for your dog when you’re busy and can’t give them your full attention.  However we never recommend leaving your dog unattended with a toy, especially when it’s been covered in food or you don’t know their chewing habits.  Self entertaining IQ toys are perfect for when you need to calm down your dog or distract them, but shouldn’t be used as a treat when leaving the house as they could become a choking hazard. 
Can an IQ Toy help with anxiety and high energy dogs?
IQ Toys are definitely a great aid to keeping your dog calm. Personally I use one as a distraction when guests come over, so Toby can get used to them without being high energy and in their face.  However they are DEFINITELY NOT solutions to high anxiety or extremely high energy dogs.  If you are having consistent issues with anxiety in your dog I recommend speaking with a veterinarian or specialist. IQ toys are a great compliment to helping calm your dog but not a solution to intense anxiety or extreme energy.
What type of IQ toy should I get?
Every dog is different & recommending one toy for all dogs is impossible.  Toby has tested his line of IQ toys and finds they all work for different situations and dogs.  What I’m going to do is list the benefits of some and how they can be used, this way you can help narrow down which ones will work best for your situation.
Lickimats - are a fantastic self-entertainment toy for your dog.  I specifically use a lickimat for Toby when guests come over so he’s not all in their face.  All I have to do is spread peanut butter over it and let Toby have it.  It usually lasts him 15 - 25 minutes and longer if we put it in the freezer first.  They can also help tire out your pup as the constant licking motion becomes physically draining.  Definitely a great pick for calming down your dog, keeping them relaxed and giving them some entertainment when you don’t have the chance to.
Puzzles - are probably the most “fun-for-human” dog toys ever.  I absolutely love filling them up with treats and trying to help Toby solve them.  I alway recommend getting the Star Shaped puzzle as it’s the hardest one we have.  An amazing bonding experience for you and your dog, plus it’s so much fun watching them try and work their way through.  This is not a self-entertaining toy and more an experience for both you and your dog.  Especially with the harder puzzles, if a dog gets frustrated and you’re not there to help they may start biting and tearing at it instead of solving it (I have first hand experience with Toby doing this).
Fill me Up! Treat Toy - is a versatile treat dispensing toy that’s great for keeping your dog occupied.  You can stuff the outside with kibble, or smear peanut butter along the outside to simulate a lickimat.  Then stuff the middle with treats and cream cheese or peanut butter.  This is an amazing way to get your dog occupied.  Depending on how you stuff/fill it you can have them going for 30+ minutes! (Hint: if you freeze the toy after stuffing then give it to your dog it will last even longer).  This is the perfect toy for self-entertaining, plus it’s a regular ball to play fetch too.  Sooth your pup when they’re nervous or calm them down when guests arrive or they’re over stimulated.
Tricky Treat Ball - is the easiest to fill and use, but one of the longest lasting for Toby.  All I have to do is put some of his food into the ball and give it to him.  Because of how it’s designed Toby typically gives up before getting all of them out and I end up helping him out.  I’ve seen Toby entertained by this ball for hours and it’s hands down his favourite toy he has.  We use it to play fetch, indoor soccer, tug of war & it’s a treat dispenser.  The size of the ball makes it difficult for extreme chewers to get it to the back of their jaws, where the damage is usually done.  Plus the rubber is extremely bite resistant.  Toby & I have been playing daily with this toy for 5 months with no damage yet (I classify Toby as a medium-aggressive chewer).
There are a bunch of other IQ toys we’ve got available online, with similar uses as the ones listed above.  If you want to browse them head to our IQ collection and check them out for yourself.  You can also visit us and see them in person at the St. Jacobs Farmers Market every Thursday and Saturday.  I love chatting about dogs and figuring out what toy is going to be the best for your pup so anything I can do to help I’m here for you.
I would like to note that I am writing this as a dog owner but I am not a professional dog trainer, behaviourist or veterinarian. If you want specific behavioural or health related advice please contact a professional. 
If I’ve missed anything, or you still have some questions feel free to reach out! I’d love to know your thoughts and Toby is always thrilled to hear from other doggos and their parents. Email us at toby@terribletobys.com or contact us through social media.
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A Boy & His Dog On a Mission to Change the World

A Boy & His Dog On a Mission to Change the World

I started Terrible Toby's Dog Supply Depot with one thing in mind... Change.
Obviously change is all around us right now... But what I had in mind was change for dogs.  Change for dogs that don't have a voice, don't have food in their bowls or toys to chase.  Dogs that don't feel the same kind of love as Toby or your pup at home feel everyday.  But I can't do it alone, which is where my idea for Terrible Toby's came....
How can I make it as easy as possible for ordinary puppies to make extraordinary change for other dogs?  I wanted to create the easiest way for someone to support a cause that no dog owner can say no to.  That's when I came up with the idea to start a dog store that's sole mission is to end dog abuse & cruelty around the world.
The Beginning
I got Toby as a puppy from a breeder at the beginning of March.  At that time, I was not heavily informed or involved with any rescue organizations or the intense need for adoption.  Looking back, I absolutely do not regret getting Toby though. He's perfect for me and teaches me so much that I obviously couldn't think of a life without him at this point.  My next dog will definitely be a rescue though!
Toby came into my life a week before Ontario went into lockdown in March of 2020.  At the time, I was working as an event coordinator and wedding DJ while going through my last year of College.  Obviously being at home all the time gave me tons of opportunity to train Toby, but I also spent some time getting myself involved in the dog community (you guys are PAWSOME by the way).  That's when I started to realize how much cruelty some dogs go through in their lives though...
What to do...
I remember exactly what information really pushed me over the edge (to keep this child friendly I am refraining from adding the details in) and made me say enough is enough.  So, I decided to do some research...
I knew there was something I could do to help, but I wasn't sure what. I don't have the room to foster and Toby is still a ways from being fully trained so I can't add more animals to my house.  But, rescues do need tons of support so I decided to start raising funds.
Toby & I sat on the couch for a while pondering this.  With events shut down (my go to for fundraisers) & no way to get in front of people to raise money there had to be some way for us to do something.  Then Toby asked for a treat as he usually does around 8pm.  I grabbed his favourite snacks and that's when it hit me! To Toby's amazement I dropped the entire bag of treats and dashed for my computer to get to work...
Time for Toby to get to work!
I guess I should say time for me to get to work. Toby more or less just ate the treats I forgot about on the floor as I started buzzing through websites and blog posts figuring out how to setup an online store. Tons of late nights and gallons of coffee later, Terrible Toby's Dog Supply Depot was ready to go!
Toby was so proud of what he'd accomplished! But, how exactly was he going to raise money off of it?  Toby did some bookkeeping and got back to me saying "Dad, we're going to donate 50% of our profit from each sale because I know you'll be able to put food in my bowl. But, I'm not sure if other dogs will get food in their bowl". At first I thought he was joking, "how do we pay for the business then Toby" I asked? But... It seems to be working out for him (as usual for Toby)
How it works...
With every single product that Toby approves for his shelves, he makes me figure out a few things.
1. How much it costs us
2. How much it costs at the store
Once we know these two things the math is simple! We figure out how much we make and we donate half of that, rounding up to make the math easy (Toby hasn't figured out a calculator yet). We then list EXACTLY how much is donated from each item on our website to ensure everyone knows what they're raising. 
We get asked a lot... what does the other half goes to? Well that's a two part answer...
First we have to cover our costs of advertising and running the store online. We also used some to open our first ever retail location at the St. Jacobs Farmers Market!
and what about the rest?
Toby's Dream
The rest of our funds help fuel Toby's dream of opening his own rescue organization.  Toby & I want to be able to get into the field around the globe helping rescue, transport and promote the adoption of dogs.  In order to do that we have a lot of work ahead of us & we couldn't do it without your support.
Supporting Change
Change takes a lot of effort from many people all over the world! I wanted to give the opportunity for everyone to get involved in making a change and it starts with Terrible Toby's. By purchasing your everyday dog supplies from Terrible Toby's you automatically support the wellbeing and safety of dogs everywhere.  I'm so excited to be able to give myself, Toby and the rest of the world an opportunity to make change and can't wait to see what the rest of this journey holds.
If you ever want to support our cause, feel free to head to our shop and pick out some cool stuff for the dog's in your life. Or, to learn more about what we do head to our fundraiser page for all the details.  You can also follow us on Instagram & Facebook and reach out at any time to suggest new items, give us feedback or just talk about dogs. Toby & I are always ready to chat.


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Why a Slow Feeder?

Why a Slow Feeder?

Dogs love their food... There's no doubt in my, Toby's or your mind about it! But some dogs (Including the Terrible Toby) might love it a bit too much.  While it's perfect for training, it's not so great when it comes to F-O-O-D time. That's why the Slow Feeder was invented. With dogs literally trying to inhale their food, slow feeders were made to prevent this.  Why? Let me explain below...
Preventing Bloat! Bloat, also known as gastric dilatation-volvulus (GDV) complex (let's avoid the fancy words and call it bloat though) is a medical and surgical emergency.  It's caused by dogs swallowing air as they eat too quickly...
As the stomach fills with air, blood is prevented from returning to the heart. This causes the dog to go into shock.
If this isn’t scary enough, there is yet another horrifying thing that happens, and it is heartbreaking to see. The stomach can flip during this, cutting off blood & oxygen to other areas of the body. The oxygen-starved pancreas produces some very toxic hormones. One, in particular, targets the heart and stops it cold. In fact, a dog can go through successful treatment for bloat and seem to be out of danger, when suddenly the heart stops.
Even in the mildest case of bloat dogs can pass away without treatment.  This is the number one reason why slow feeders were created and are growing in popularity so quickly.  This is also the cause of death in the beloved movie Marley & Me. 

Marley & Me Promotional Poster

I'm not here to try and scare you or have you go double check your dogs eating habits every meal time... But, if you notice your dog could be winning some eating contests it might be time to consider one.  
Toby uses a slow feeder at every meal to ensure he eats at the proper speed.  I'm not too sure if he's the biggest fan of it... But, it definitely gives me some piece of mind even if he doesn't actually need it.

Looking to pickup a slow feeder of your own? Toby's got the same model he uses on sale now! Be sure to pick one up for your dog if you're worried about their eating speed.



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